Sunday, November 28, 2010

Brazilain Waxing In Jacksonville Fl

Declaration on Euthanasia "Transform Spain"

everis Foundation takes a very interesting paper on the socio-economic transformation requires Spain. In the link above is a summary of 15 pages.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wall Colour For Red Floor

The business of the multinational abortion Tajamar

Source: Efrat
Subject: Planned Parenthood unleashed the scandal in crisis after data business and wages.
Recently, skipped the scandal in the United States in crisis after meeting certain figures released by the network pro-abortion Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), showing the extent to which abortion network can become a first-bloody business Here are some figures orden.A dizzy for just the last few years: Income

Cecile Richards:
PPFA financial reports for to 2008 show that the president received in 2008 a salary of $ 385,163 plus a bonus of $ 11,876 for profits and deferred compensation. In total, $ 397,039. A year later, the sources said, the president of PPFA received a salary of $ 346,285 plus a bonus of another $ 38,476 for other items. In total, $ 384,761. That is, a monthly salary of $ 27,000 in 14 payments. (At Christmas and in summer, about $ 54,000 that never hurts). As detail: Cecile Richards is the daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards. Planned Parenthood
income from the pockets of taxpayers. The same reports also reveal that PPFA received in respect of federal, state and local governments, the following amounts: During fiscal year 2007-2008 a total of 349'6 million dólaresDurante fiscal year 2006-2007 a total of 337 million dollars. This assumes an average figure of 343'3 million dollars a year (about $ 28 million per month).

realizados.En number of abortions as the number of abortions, the federation claims to have done:
324,008 abortions in 2008, 305,310 abortions in 2007

289,750 abortions in 2006. This assumes an average figure of 306,356 abortions per year (about 34 abortions every hour)

Sources: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, "Fact Sheet "(September 2010) Steven Ertelt," Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz President Makes About $ 400,000 "(Diario Digital Life News, November 11, 2010) Steven Ertelt," Planned Parenthood Report Shows Abortions Up 6 Percent, Adoptions Down (Digital Journal "Life News", September 9, 2010)

Efrat Institute. Studies and Analysis. Director David del Fresno

Friday, November 26, 2010

Light Brown Blue Ring Around Eyes

College Movie 1967-1st part-

Embalming And Pregnant

Tajamar College Movie 1967 Part-

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why Is My Bearded Dragons Ear Black

-2 economic crisis and family cohesion

The current economic crisis has some known causes: Some international financial sectors have speculated recklessly in a vacuum with little risk mortgages. A national economy based almost primarily on aspiration and burdensome necessity of owning a home is exhausted. The first factor has fallen on the second. In this work, for good and bad ways, the most business with respect to the first family need: a home. The consequence of breaking this system is that many families are punished by bad they did not commit. Paradoxically, given the economic crisis there is a great wall of personal protection and citizenship: family cohesion. This factor can be estimated more or less, but the benefits which it before a crisis are clear and effective. Finding motivation to strengthen this unit is affordable, strengthen the fact is something expensive than worthwhile. Family decisions are personal but the political and civil liability in respect of aid to family integrity is a requirement of justice. Justice, human and economic cost-effective, that our country is very poorly developed, but increasingly more voices can be heard encouraging progress this proposal.

Iturralde Jose Ignacio Moreno

Monday, November 8, 2010

Can A Cat Get A Respiratory Infection From A Dog?


The Reason Digital Edition - Monday, November 8, 2010 National Government is six points of diversion of coca and lack of control allows


illegal. Digcoin chief that the parts are in the backbone, outside the legal markets

"The Reason, Miguel A. Melendres - La Paz

The Government identified in three departments, at least six points which allegedly diverted coca to drug trafficking for both producers and retailers. It also supports a lack of control due to lack of financial and human resources.

Deputy Minister of Social Defence, Felipe Caceres, admitted last Wednesday that between 35% and 40% of the total cocaine produced in the country is intended "to the problem illegal (drug), compared with 65% going to traditional consumption.

On 18 October this year, in a speech in the tropics of Cochabamba, Bolivian President Evo Morales said some growers diverted the proceeds of legitimate trade and called for greater control.

According to the Director General of Coca and Industrialization (Digcoin) Luis Cutipa, has identified the areas which was the diversion of coca, the same as those in the departments of the country's backbone.

"Between Locotal (90 km from Cochabamba) and the legal market for coca Sacaba stays on the road and swerves. The same happens with the coca in the Yungas in La Paz. It happens all the product by sector de la Rinconada (23 km from La Paz), but not all arrive at Villa Fatima market, "said Cutipa.

Zones. Similarly, Yapacaní identified, which is located 130 km east of the capital and 181 km from Villa Tunari (Cochabamba in the tropics) as a point where marketers divert coca because they do not carry the product to retail markets of Cotoca (Santa Cruz) and Villa Montes (Tarija). Details

Yapacaní municipality, under the management 2009, argue that the producers take the coca region of 270,000 pounds each month for marketing.

Cutipa reported that Colomi, a village 45 kilometers from the city of Cochabamba, and the Upper Valley (southeast of the village) the use of coca is similar.

In the city of El Alto, La Paz, "deviates pressed coca cocaine factories are located in private homes," he added.

Luis Cutipa regretted that no exercise greater control in those places because of staff shortages as a result of scarce economic resources are managed in this sector. Personal

. "This address has no vehicles, items and logistics support to track the product and prevent their diversion," said Cutipa. He identified

5,861 producers and 5,440 retail retailers that move in the country driving at least 10 taques each month, which can not control.

"There are more than 11 000 merchants coca nationwide and is impossible to control with a number of 140 persons in the Control Panel Coca (GEC) and the 120 people Digcoin I have, between administrative and verifiers. We need more support and hopefully the next administration to change things, "said authority.

Coca growers point to the illegal coca producers settled, even in national parks, which produce exclusively for the drug, thus ruling that its members are involved in the illegal activity.

"Clearly there is overproduction of coca in the Yungas, but this occurs in illegal areas. Is that coca where to go? Yes or if you have to be diverted, "said David Huayhua, vice president Adepcoca. The leader added that his industry has strict social control output of the coca market and ruled out any diversion of the road. There

72,700 legal coca in the country are enrolled at least 72,700 legal producers ancient leaf.

Data General Director of Coca and Industrialization (Digcoin), Luis Cutipa indicate that there are 43,700 members in Cochabamba to the six federations of coca growers in the tropics that region.

"In this department, are estimated 7 000 hectares to 43,700 producers. Everyone has their cato and can not extend that cato "he said.

commenting on this issue, the vice chairman of the Department of Producers Association Coca (Adepcoca), David Huayhua, said his organization has 29,000 members.

"Our board has rearranged our fellow producers. We have between 28,500 to 29,000 members in our legal system, registered with the recarnetización we've done. All are from the 13 regional three provinces that traditionally produce coca, as Nor Yungas, Sud Yungas and Inquisivi "he said.

to the enactment of the General Law of the Coca Leaf next year (that will supply Arrangements Act 1008 of the Coca and Controlled Substances), the government hopes to reduce the number of producers, although an unknown number.

In this logic, the deputy minister of Social Defence, Felipe Caceres, said the new law established 20 000 hectares of coca crops. Currently, the standard establishes 12 000.