Monday, August 18, 2008

Firstaudtions Grouping Hands

reproduced below are some of the criticisms and comments on "Grey Wolf", made or published recently in certain media or persons associated with the book world:

I thought it was a thriller that masterfully combines action, adventure, passion, love, espionage and ecology, but all told in a tone very sensitive and visual descriptions of the state of Montana, customs rancheras, the fight against elements and, above all, stunning scenery.

Although they are by the CIA, the FBI and a neo-Nazi group, the dose of violence are strictly necessary, no lurid descriptions of "flesh and blood." Quite the contrary, although the novel is political and power issues, the overall tone is a beautiful romance for nature, its beauty, its mysteries and its beings. Notable

wolves as those mammals hated and feared by man, almost exterminated in many places but that, despite the suspicion aroused, able to transmit also a curious fascination.

The protagonists are nice, healthy, principled and this contributes to an increased interest emphasize reading in which, in capital letters, THE BEAUTY. Pilar López Bernués


BOOKS FROM A fascinating thriller, cultured and well documented. A bold argument, engaging, and entertaining.
The author skillfully combines intelligence and suspense. A vivid portrait of life in the Rocky Mountains and a clever use of the keys to the spy novel. ANTENA 3

Lobo Gris exudes research, American traditionalism and an atmosphere of mystery credible.
A novel that combines suspense and ecology with extreme literary finesse. Its success lies in mixing and spies wolves consistently. TELECINCO

James Nava expertly tells a story that is absorbing, extremely well set in the American West, with a psychological study of the remarkable characters and a thrilling plot.
is a smart novel, exciting and entertaining. The author uses his vast knowledge to tell the world of wolves and the story of a CIA agent.
Page 2 - TVE

Gray Wolf is carefully drawn, stylistically very beautiful and cleverly developed.
A hell of a good novel. The writing is gripping and the narrative, very effective. The Sixth

When it comes to thriller, espionage and international intrigue, James Nava shows is an accomplished teacher.
With Grey Wolf, mixing mystery, romance and ecology so appealing and attractive that will not disappoint the reader. Four

This book is not only an exciting thriller, it is, but also a brilliant literary novel that manages to be informative without being bored, combining intrigue and a classic love story. Page 2 TVE

A fascinating eco-thriller set in the Rocky Mountains and the world of CIA operations. A fun and exciting novel equally.
CIAO! Consumer Community

This novel has everything: action, suspense, adventure, romance ... I wish James Nava continue writing such wonderful stories like this. A highly recommended reading that you can not forget. FNAC

If you want to take a break or enjoy a good time, I recommend reading Gray Wolf, a novel written by American author of English origin, James Nava, in which the mix of political thriller and the world Espionage, along with ecology and a passionate love story, I will not leave indifferent.
In this third book, James Nava again shows his knowledge of American society and the work of the CIA. Not surprisingly, became a volunteer in an elite unit of the army at 17 years and has developed his professional work in the field of Special Forces and Intelligence Cumunidad United States. Literary Criticism

Elena Pérez Prieto

A great novel: Grey Wolf, by James Nava. It is an honor to echo the publication of this book, which certainly has a very interesting content.
extend my congratulations to James Nava and wish him every success with the book, more if possible, than that obtained with their previous work. In my humble and honest literary impression, I think this novel deserves a prominent place on my nightstand. Dennis Mariella Muñoz Soto

Literary Criticism
novel. I caught this story well told and set. It's like opening the window to a world of sights and feelings. To read, reread and take pride of place in the library. Francisco Hernández

Literary Critic

Press Office

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Kind Of Women Like Glory Holes


the Olympics are more competitive in recent editions. U.S. faces China in the medals table, seeking to maintain supremacy in the Olympic sport, a position he has occupied for decades.

Sport is representative of the level of a country, as well as its economic indices can be. The gold, silver and bronze, come to reflect the potential of nations, the quality of its human resources, and the values \u200b\u200bthey uphold.

U.S. has long and is the major power in sport, with representation in almost every discipline and achieving outstanding success in athletics, swimming, basketball, tennis, gymnastics and various sports equipment.

The first position in the medals in Beijing will be hotly contested, because China has experienced an economic and technological revolution reflected in the sport too.

However, again the U.S. who arouses admiration, faith and hope with names like Michael Phelps, Vincent Hancock, Venus and Serena Williams, Tyson Gay, Dara Torres, Allyson Felix , Long Lopez, Kobe Bryant, LeShawna Merritt, Walter Dix, Wallace Spearmon, Bernard Lagat, Katie Hoff, Brendan Hansen, Margaret Hoelzer, LeBron James, Ian Crocker, Aaron Peirsol and Jeremy Wariner, to name a few.

athletes, swimmers, gymnasts, American athletes in general, individual or team, are the ones who arouse the greatest interest and those who achieve major medals and records.

Today, as in the past, the Olympics are a source of national pride for the USA, who bring to them the great deeds and idols that make more than a few games, legend, dreams and historical achievements.

No country has given so much to the Olympic Games as the USA, who have always contributed to exceptional athletes and memorable brands in the history of the Olympics.

In Beijing 2008 is going to happen. Not Russia, Spain, China and Germany, who maintain a high passion for the sport's elite. It is the U.S., with its magnificent Olympic team, is proving once again who really fight for the gold and Olympic glory.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Can You Get Syphilis From Clothes

MORE WOOD! Bush was right

Like the old Groucho Marx movie, candidates McCain and Obama head locomotives of their campaigns calling for more wood! To throw the race.
John McCain proposes reducing the federal tax liability of 35 to 25% and has revived talk of energy in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, urging lawmakers to approve an energy reform plan. Also, your program is set to aim at U.S. energy independence by 2025 and expansion of nuclear energy. A position he returned to defend his third visit to Michigan, Enrico Fermi nuclear power plant between Detroit and Toledo, where he said that nuclear energy is "a source of clean energy, safe and effective" and supported the wishes of the company owner plant, DTE Energy, to build a new plant. McCain reaffirmed there in his plan to build 45 new nuclear reactors over the next two decades, capable of generating 700,000 jobs.

His tour has also served to present his proposal to boost solar power and clean coal as energy sources. Amen to attack Obama again for that strategy that strives to continue to lose in Iraq when all is won on the ground.

Barack Obama has done the same in Lansing, Michigan, where he sought to use the Strategic National Stockpile oil to reduce fuel costs, specifically planned to sell 70 million barrels of reserves. He also promised to invest U.S. $ 150,000 million in renewable energy in 10 years, so that by 2012 10% of energy from renewable sources.
At this point it is clear that the economy, the crisis and the energy issue has become key to the campaign.

But not only. The Republican nominee insists present Obama as a celebrity (celebrity) is not ready to be President, it is in a new spot and each time it is presented. In Another spot emphasizes his opponent's legislative record on fiscal matters, accusing him of raising taxes on middle class families.
Obama, who needs to catch up on his international tour, has already visited Ohio and passed through Elkhart, Indiana, where he was introduced by Senator Evan Bayh, a favorite for vice president, following an electoral choreography as well as this bombshell on Berea, Ohio, where a man asked him to lead the swearing of allegiance. Obama knows he has to look good and go if you are applying!

Meanwhile, on the Democratic National Convention, which will in Denver, Colorado, in late August. Preparations are already underway in the Pepsi Center and Invesco Field where Obama will accept the nomination before a cheering crowd.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sewed In Hair Wextensions Birmingham

Recently the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Bush administration on important issues affecting the War on Terrorism (GWOT), one of the most recent rulings on the status of unlawful combatants at Guantanamo prisoners.
The Supreme Court has recognized that the War on Terrorism is legal and therefore can be considered prisoners of war prisoners. This is essential because the U.S. recognizes the right to hold them as prisoners until the end of the war and to subject them to military trials for war crimes, which is the basis of legal arguments that defended the Bush Administration during these years. Have used the same as all U.S. presidents in wartime.

Thus, the Supreme Court rulings Rasul v. Bush, in 2004, Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 2006, and Boumediene v. Bush, in 2008, only came to make remarks or legal qualifications to this basic argument.

What has given the Supreme Court what has not heard or a sector of the press and some anti-Bush and anti-American governments, and much of world public opinion, increasingly misinformed and manipulated, despite the saturation of information, it is simply a modification to the approach Legal Bush Administration regarding Guantanamo detainees.

What is the core of discussion in this debate? Islamist terrorists do not wear uniforms, do not defend any rule of law or constitution, and often work among the civilian population, using as a shield or a victim. This allows, being taken prisoner, to deny their status as combatants. This is what is at issue: is U.S. evidence that these prisoners are enemy combatants?

What says the Supreme Court cited above is to be the civil courts who determine first whether the prisoner can be held as such until the end of the war, if it is and prior to trial by a military tribunal as a war criminal. Thus, the civil court it will do is listen to the writ of habeas corpus and determine whether it is a terrorist or not, if it were, remain in military hands. Likewise, the trial that can be submitted for the crimes committed, will be military.

Some media and sectors, which so often distort everything, deceiving and manipulating people, and governments unfriendly to President Bush, so given the nonsense, exaggeration and ignorance have made a misreading or maliciously, pretending that the Guantanamo prisoners should be tried under ordinary criminal law. False. Wrong. Manipulated.

There is something very clear: Islamist terrorists, be considered unlawful combatants, will not be treated as criminals but as what they are: terrorists. And the control over these terrorists prisoners will remain in the hands of the U.S. military, either based on existing laws or the enactment in the future.
This is going to happen, of course, in the remainder of President Bush and whether McCain wins if Obama wins in November, whether Guantanamo and other detention centers continue to operate as if these prisoners are channeled to other detention facilities.

The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the core argument in Bush's War on Terror. But do not recognize who you are almost pathological hatred and sick, those who refuse to see the arguments as they are. More will certainly be truth.
Bush was right. That hurts.

And in the meantime, Canada has accepted 550 tons of refined uranium from the nuclear program of Saddam Hussein. If that unite all Americans and international experts have acknowledged that the former Iraqi regime had the ability to resume their programs of biological and chemical weapons, in addition to nuclear, we find the real threat posed by Saddam Hussein and his programs weapons of mass destruction, he denounced Bush as one of the arguments for intervening in Iraq.

This neither recognize his opponents and critics. They spoil their image of Bush and should admit that their criticism has been unfair.

But Bush was also right in this.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Repulsion Power Bond Energy

The election campaign has been Barack Obama to Iraq and Afghanistan. And we must stress this because until now the Democratic candidate was conspicuous by its absence in these latitudes. What self-explanatory and the intentions of the Senator from Illinois. Electioneering, pure and simple, yes. But also a serious attempt to reorient their political argument and adapt to the reality on the ground.

Obama's recent tour has revealed all its contradictions on the issue of the war in Iraq, but also its efforts to adopt a truly presidential role in this issue. A task in which it takes advantage of McCain for the simple reason that it has advocated from the beginning the arguments of the military victory and winning strategy in progress, the so-called Surge .

Obama, in his new role as champion of national security, is to shift attention to Afghanistan, where he certainly deserves further efforts to ensure its stability, but again wrong in not treating Iraq as a major front of the War on Terrorism. Iraq today is safer and Al Qaeda is in retreat and defeat, yes, but not for the thesis that has defended Obama, but why McCain has defended courageously, risking their nomination and the presidency in an act of consistency and We would like to see Obama. The Democratic candidate still has time to keep correcting their positions, sometimes naive, sometimes from the left wing of the party, or that body of "experts" that has gathered around him, and that has the most extraordinary media support which had a candidate in the last decades.

Still, with all his charisma and support, Obama can not take off in the polls. A tough veteran like McCain holding up and then some. As Obama was leaving media tour of the Middle East and Europe, eager to expand background and experience, McCain focused on U.S. economic problems, showing that there is to know to be at the time and place accordingly.

Also, his campaign has released another spot on energy policy and in support of coastal oil drilling, in line with 57% of Americans who are in favor of them, according to a Gallup poll. Nor does it lose sight of the attacks by Obama defeatist posture. McCain accused him during a town hall meeting in Rochester, New Hampshire in this way: "He would rather lose war in order to win elections" , which pretty much sums up Obama's policy correctly on the issue of Iraq.

The buzz about the vice presidential candidates enter a crucial phase. Mitt Romney is among the super favorites, along with Sarah Palin, John Thum, Rob Portman and Tim Pawlenty for McCain, which could be probing for Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal, and some other undisclosed covered so far.
Obama Evan Bayh, Senator from Indiana, one of the best candidates you might choose. And very probably is. But we also have with enormous potential for the Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden and Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius.

Meanwhile, the favorable treatment granted to Barack Obama the media, it is shameful and shameless. With all that the Democratic candidate has not taken off in the intention of votes. Has much to convince Americans that are qualified to take over the White House. You can continue to campaign in Germany, England and France, seeking that which has no international experience, but the votes to be elected or not, are in Missouri, Ohio, Colorado, Pennsylvania or Florida, not Europe.
This reason, John McCain was in Ohio while Obama was traveling between Germany and France, participating in a town hall meeting, accompanied by cycling champion Lance Armstrong, who could speak on the prevention and fight against cancer, a disease that both have up, and raising funds for the campaign.

The Republican candidate is aware of the reach of television and mass media , massive and blatantly supporting Obama, has given an interview to CBS , by George Stephanopoulos, which again accused Obama of not being aware of what is at stake in Iraq, and conducted a review of current issues, such as economics, his choice of running-mate or adoption by homosexual couples. John McCain

not miss a chance to talk about not raising taxes, its positions to appoint strict constitutional judges to the Supreme Court, and public expenditures aimed at encouraging Obama to campaign contributors, as it did in Sparks, Nevada , during a town hall meeting and the city of Aurora, Colorado. His words were very clear here:
"He has proposed tax increases on income, capital gains taxes on profits. More or less everything that can be taxed, it wants to tax more .... The it does and what he says are often two very different things. We do not need another politician in Washington to bring its particular interest and political expediency ahead of problem solving. "
has also launched McCain Nation, whose purpose is to mobilize supporters of Arizona Sen. throughout the country, reporting on where and when to support electoral events Republican nominee. The maker of the GOP vote is underway.

On his return from his international tour, Obama seems to have realized that elections are won at home because it has already dropped in places like southwest Missouri, the trend clearly Republican who voted for Bush four years ago, trying to convince voters that his opponent "provides only old and tired" , or on a tour of Florida, where he has begun to qualify his position on coastal oil drilling U.S. Obama again and correct and this is nothing new, but it is positive that his speech is more realistic.

In response to recent initiatives, Democrats, John McCain's campaign has tightened its attacks, focusing in economics, education, or racial abuse factor by Obama. The Republican candidate has not missed an opportunity to criticize Obama to take your daughters to private schools while positioning against school vouchers that he defends, and let parents take their children to private schools with the help of economic bonds.

As a climax to the weeks of intense election campaign, Barack Obama has announced that only face John McCain in three televised debates, to not accept the proposal from Republican rival participate in joint town hall meetings and debate on a more open framework. The fear of Obama to face McCain that exceeds an open debate without telepromter, remain as evidence, and it gives him a weapon that will give much play in the remainder of the campaign, which is much and the best.

Discussions are as follows: First presidential debate

Friday, September 26, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. Vice Presidential Debate

Thursday, October 2, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.

Second presidential debate:
Tuesday, October 7, Belmont University, Nashville, TN.

Third presidential debate:
Wednesday, October 15, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY