Like the old Groucho Marx movie, candidates McCain and Obama head locomotives of their campaigns calling for more wood! To throw the race.
John McCain proposes reducing the federal tax liability of 35 to 25% and has revived talk of energy in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, urging lawmakers to approve an energy reform plan. Also, your program is set to aim at U.S. energy independence by 2025 and expansion of nuclear energy. A position he returned to defend his third visit to Michigan, Enrico Fermi nuclear power plant between Detroit and Toledo, where he said that nuclear energy is "a source of clean energy, safe and effective" and supported the wishes of the company owner plant, DTE Energy, to build a new plant. McCain reaffirmed there in his plan to build 45 new nuclear reactors over the next two decades, capable of generating 700,000 jobs.
His tour has also served to present his proposal to boost solar power and clean coal as energy sources. Amen to attack Obama again for that strategy that strives to continue to lose in Iraq when all is won on the ground.
Barack Obama has done the same in Lansing, Michigan, where he sought to use the Strategic National Stockpile oil to reduce fuel costs, specifically planned to sell 70 million barrels of reserves. He also promised to invest U.S. $ 150,000 million in renewable energy in 10 years, so that by 2012 10% of energy from renewable sources.
At this point it is clear that the economy, the crisis and the energy issue has become key to the campaign.
But not only. The Republican nominee insists present Obama as a celebrity (celebrity) is not ready to be President, it is in a new spot and each time it is presented. In Another spot emphasizes his opponent's legislative record on fiscal matters, accusing him of raising taxes on middle class families.
Obama, who needs to catch up on his international tour, has already visited Ohio and passed through Elkhart, Indiana, where he was introduced by Senator Evan Bayh, a favorite for vice president, following an electoral choreography as well as this bombshell on Berea, Ohio, where a man asked him to lead the swearing of allegiance. Obama knows he has to look good and go if you are applying!
Meanwhile, on the Democratic National Convention, which will in Denver, Colorado, in late August. Preparations are already underway in the Pepsi Center and Invesco Field where Obama will accept the nomination before a cheering crowd.
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