The stage was right, in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, the American heartland in which late country music , which is its capital, and struggling hard conservative values. Must have been a turning point in this campaign for the candidate McCain, was in an area suitable for get those arguments convinced the Americans, to talk face to face. But he did not. Jumped at the chance. Too bad, because a young, slick Obama, inexperienced in many issues, but innate talent for public speaking and communication, has managed to pull myself together again and get away with the debate in the Belmont University, moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC, who supports the Democrats also, as all the moderators of the debates in this election.
questions voters present and forwarded through the Internet, have served to make the candidates come off and we see an exciting debate. The first half
an hour and a half has gone, has focused on the economy and has helped us to check two things we already knew: that McCain's strong suit is not economics, and ideas you might have Obama on what to do in this area are many and varied as the consultants who swarm around him. Yes, it has been more dynamic talking about the issue, of course, knows that the economic crisis favors him electorally and does not hesitate to exploit demagoguery.
McCain said energy independence, prevent unnecessary wasteful spending and keep taxes low, as three of their goals, but did not provide a solid economic plan, something to be done urgently, and that it took Obama to attack, attack, and attack. Knows that gives electoral gains persevering. He stressed the supervision of the government bailout plan of 700,000 million dollars, tax cuts for the middle class, homeowners in trouble, and to reform health care.
The debate has the feeling that McCain could do much more, which should do much more, because the issue is costing thousands of votes that can be vital to achieve the Presidency ... or lose it.
Obama, disciplined and ambitious as a boy he is, has its flaws better controlled and has been more agile. His body language also has emerged and although his ideas need to go through an urgent session "advice-epecializado-to-see-if-you-whole-kid-from-what-you-mean-really-USA-and-the-presidency -no-be-than-shit " plan to put it ironic and not bleeding, it has shown presidential pose. We do not know is whether their preparation may evolve according to the presidential plan that strives to take us from now. Someone should warn you, if it wins, something not achieved much less, though some media endeavor, the President shall hold pose against all odds for the duration of his presidency, and which may not only pose but real substance and leadership.
betting Obama continued his "change", a message again to gain strength before we live in times of crisis. In relating this change to the capacity of sacrifice and courage, something that is deeply rooted in the American psyche, connected with millions of Americans. There was therefore no new Democratic idea or brilliant, but to appeal to traditional American values \u200b\u200bof courage and bravery, when better connected to society. That's when we see a President Obama more precisely when moving away from the crap to which we have used many Democrats lately.
The second part of the discussion focused in the war on terrorism and Iraq. McCain was strong and brave, opted to pursue a tough policy against terrorists, stay in Iraq until it is needed, and recovered a huge issue that has been out of the spotlight so far: the capture of Osama bin Laden revealing its intention to go for it. Obama agreed on that point, but is positioned by the exit of troops from Iraq within a reasonable time. Say that and nothing, all is one. On the other hand, was right in pointing out the enormous burden of military intervention in soldiers and budgets.
McCain promised to bring the troops with honor. Obama's position is the withdrawal, even shameful ... we all know that the Democratic candidate that cares a damn.
sad thing about this election is that McCain, much more experienced, with interesting characteristics for the presidency, as strong and unwavering leadership of someone who has fought for his country on the battlefield and in Congress for years, on whether you're dragged through the troubled waters of economic crisis. A storm may be the McCain-Palin ticket to the warehouse of history if not straightened out quickly. As McCain said recently: " the Life is not fair." But above all there is to know win or lose with honor and dignity, something the Republican senator can do.
But precisely because I love success stories, because McCain is infinitely better prepared to be president than Obama, and because the party is not over until the last minute, do not give up the old, grumpy, irascible veteran who never left his teammates in the lurch, the Maverick I know, unavailable to the dismay and able to fight all the way with honesty on his ideas and his country.
When are so many to flee in terror of the boat to get warm sun of the Democrats for what they appear to be gaining in the polls, I believe that John McCain, with the invaluable help Sarah Palin, the GOP base, and the vast majority of American people will turn the game in the dying seconds of last minute, winning the November 4 as a surprise. As did Truman, which seems to be inspired, to mark a crucial historical period that lies ahead.
Because a President Obama would be full of unpredictable risks and learning a Democrat to the U.S. may cost too expensive in every way, I trust that McCain was soaring, and gives us a thrilling final.
An American final.
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