Saturday, February 6, 2010

List Of All Brownie Badges


The Origin of Life!

Since we can remember, we always had the interest to find out 3 very important things: Where did we come? About us Where do we go?

Since time immemorial, and thinkers fílófosos spent countless hours thinking about how to solve the great enigma of the first question, it was Aristotle who gave us an ingenious answer four centuries before our era: The Spontaneous Generation! The union proposed that the dew, moisture and sweat which was created fish and insects. Incredibly, it was not until late XIX Pasteur strongly argued the impossibility of Aristotle's theory as such.

If there is something I like spontaneous generation is that their study reported something radically important: the existence of common elements in all living beings. These common elements are known as CHON. Acronym from the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. In fact 96% of our body is made of them. Interestingly, these elements are simpler if we revise the periodic table. Were subsequently included in the phosphorous and sulfur as it is theorized they were the most abundant on Earth and adolescent, being a chaotic land efervescete were those who formed the first single-celled organism to mix it by unimaginable forces of nature: Fire, Water, Lightning, pressures and other . All, more likely to my taste, sitting in the concentrated broth ocean at that time as Stanley Miller tested in laboratory experiments. In less than five days, Miller noticed the discoloration on his "stock" and could testify to the existence of amino acids! An amino acid is an organic molecule with an amino group and an acidic carboxyl group. And part of the protein.

How? How such a simple process creates amino acids that are the foundation of life as we know it? "We went from loose items a living? How the inorganic to the organic? What Chemistry to Biology? Actually, no. To be able to say life, we need two more requirements: a separated by membranes and the replication of the new entity. This can create a unicellular being. The weather helped to bring to maturity the Sun and the energy that made the Earth provides also matured. This led to many chemical changes can be given. One in particular: Ribonucleic acid chains, the mechanism to divide and acquire natural elements allowing replication. Interested? I can not honestly say that it is except that ribonucleic acid is the basis of DNA replication that creates offspring and the possibility of exchange of genetic traits and new types of life.

Now it gets more interesting if we can be new creatures, mutations, evolution and organized multicellular life. It was so difficult the creation of life after all. It is obvious that at some point there was an additional divine maybe it all started. Probably for better or for statistics. But life began.


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