Monday, December 6, 2010

Youtub Filme Adulta Fre

FECAP Sevilla Attitude The prosecution will campaign against AIDS, considering the PSOE offensive to Catholics

Europa Press

The Catholic Federation of Associations of Parents of Seville (FECAP) announced that next week will denounce before the public prosecutor to be filed, if necessary, a criminal complaint against those responsible for the campaign Youth Socialists to celebrate World AIDS Day on the grounds that this, which has the theme 'Blessed AIDS condom take away the World' is offensive to the religious sentiments of the majority of Andalusian society.

To FECAP, this legend, which graphically simulates a communion in which the consecrated Host is a preservative, is a crime under Article 525 of the Penal Code, which states, "incur the penalty of a fine of eight to twelve months, in order to offend the feelings of members of a religious confession made public in speech, writing or any type of document, a mockery of their dogmas, beliefs, rites or ceremonies, or vejen also publicly, to those who profess or practice. "

explains the Federation of Catholic parents of Seville, although it is" positive "awareness of society in the fight against AIDS and against other sexually transmitted diseases, such campaigns "can not be an excuse to attack the religious beliefs of a significant proportion of citizens" and less stressed, the "reason for their humiliation." Once again we are witnessing an attack on Catholic religion to which it is to ridicule by a group or political party, "critical. FECAP Sevilla president, Carlos Seco, insisted in a statement that the "fundamental basis" of a pluralistic society through the lens of ideology and religion is mutual respect and therefore recommended that "the political leaders of these young people" - an allusion to the regional leaders of the PSOE-A - they teach "the basic curriculum for Citizenship Education, which are respect, tolerance and coexistence."


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