Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Instead Of Period I Have A White Discharge

Christmas comes once more. For many people it is a time of nostalgia and memories. I think there is another way to approach this season: When you view the traditional simplicity of the figures of births forget that Christmas is a big yes to human life, to every one today and now. There are difficulties in family life, work or health that may overshadow the perspectives. Bethlehem is the same historical incident of a family with problems, but also the reality of an immense joy accurate. Christmas is not only looking back but rather a strong light source, of mind and safety for the present and the future.

Iturralde Jose Ignacio Moreno

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Milena Velba White Shirt

Christmas History of adoption: Steve Jobs speaks at Stanford

Monday, December 13, 2010

Moab Utah April Temperature

111,000 yeas to Life

In 2009, 111,000 abortions were performed, almost 4% less than in 1999, as noted by the Minister of Health ... and some will stay as wide. How many singers and players have lost? How many simple biographies great have fallen by the wayside? The truth is that all these creatures, in the bosom of their mothers, do not let them be born, although this is a way of speaking we find it hard and distasteful. Why there is no greater social reaction in defense of the unborn child? Perhaps it is that we lack enthusiasm for life and to defend the value of every human life. I would rebel against this situation and see a positive way: Remember 111,000 reasons to say yes to every hour of work and rest, to have 111,000 reasons to improve your own life, family and country, and try to say yes 111,000 times, with facts in the life of all alike, unborn child, adult or elder. José

Iturralde Ignacio Moreno

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Is A Lump On The Gum Above A Tooth


"Prudence is the smart bow of our essence, that amidst the multiplicity of finite sets course to perfection." Paul Claudel.

"Prudence is the clarity of the decision to be resolved to the truth." Joseph Pieper.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Can You Unlock An Alcatel Crystal Phone

Jesus is coming The charitable organization has flooded England with signs that an ultrasound is who would be the Baby Jesus to remember the true meaning of celebrating Christmas is to commemorate the birth of the Son of God.
The ad shows the characteristics of a small child next to the phrase "He's on His way" (It is on the way) and is estimated to reach more than 40 million people. The makers claim that they want to spread the true meaning and origin of Christmas, using the image of a baby Jesus long before birth.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Potato Side Dishes For Venison

"People should not think so much about what they have to do what it should be" (Eckhart).

Monday, December 6, 2010

Youtub Filme Adulta Fre

FECAP Sevilla Attitude The prosecution will campaign against AIDS, considering the PSOE offensive to Catholics

Europa Press

The Catholic Federation of Associations of Parents of Seville (FECAP) announced that next week will denounce before the public prosecutor to be filed, if necessary, a criminal complaint against those responsible for the campaign Youth Socialists to celebrate World AIDS Day on the grounds that this, which has the theme 'Blessed AIDS condom take away the World' is offensive to the religious sentiments of the majority of Andalusian society.

To FECAP, this legend, which graphically simulates a communion in which the consecrated Host is a preservative, is a crime under Article 525 of the Penal Code, which states, "incur the penalty of a fine of eight to twelve months, in order to offend the feelings of members of a religious confession made public in speech, writing or any type of document, a mockery of their dogmas, beliefs, rites or ceremonies, or vejen also publicly, to those who profess or practice. "

explains the Federation of Catholic parents of Seville, although it is" positive "awareness of society in the fight against AIDS and against other sexually transmitted diseases, such campaigns "can not be an excuse to attack the religious beliefs of a significant proportion of citizens" and less stressed, the "reason for their humiliation." Once again we are witnessing an attack on Catholic religion to which it is to ridicule by a group or political party, "critical. FECAP Sevilla president, Carlos Seco, insisted in a statement that the "fundamental basis" of a pluralistic society through the lens of ideology and religion is mutual respect and therefore recommended that "the political leaders of these young people" - an allusion to the regional leaders of the PSOE-A - they teach "the basic curriculum for Citizenship Education, which are respect, tolerance and coexistence."

Friday, December 3, 2010

Drinking Pop And Canker Sores

Number of coca leaf producers authorized

Number of registered growers
(Producers leaf of coca authorized)
Bolivia from 2008 to 2010

Producers 2008
Producers 2010

Nor Yungas, Sud Yungas, Inquisivi, Pro Franz Tamayo-Apollo Pr . Caranavi



Chapare, Tiraque, Carrasco, Yungas of Vandiola







NOTE: The Vice President of the Departmental Association of Coca Producers (ADEPCOCA), David Huayhua, told reporters, confirming the fact that his organization had 29,000 members (Reason, November 8, 2010).
No official data on the number of coca leaf producers unauthorized. The CELIN tried to obtain information on how to certify that each producer, authorized or not, only grow one cato of coca leaf cultivation (arable land 40x40 meters, ie 1600 square meters, as authorized by the present government), but failed. Nor is there an official body to measure or certify that every farmer does not exceed the crop cato.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Metal Core Scoteer Wheels

Love without remorse

A fantastic and fun class to young Americans about the meaning of human love and sexuality. He is currently on youtube in 6 parts. Worth seeing. I put the links:

1 / 6
2 / 6
3 / 6
4 / 6
5 / 6
6 / 6

Kate Ground Hardcore?

moral reflection

Rafael Termes. Member of the Royal English Academy of Moral Sciences. XII-95

few months ago, Gregorio Peces Barba, in his usual ABC website, published under the same title as head of these lines, an amazing article in defense of the legalization of euthanasia. It is surprising, indeed, a great defender of human rights as Gregorio Peces Barba attack the most fundamental of those rights is the right to life, defending the right to kill. Because the reader would have had the patience to get through the article Peces Barba what I mean, what no doubt is removed in clean, under certain circumstances, the State can fail to protect the good of life, or , in the vernacular, to allow a citizen to murder another citizen. And that, respecting the people who say otherwise is not ethically correct.

Supporters of the legalization of abortion and euthanasia say it is not permissible to extend the claim to all citizens what they claim are just demands of Catholic morality. Not so. My position is not part of accepting full, and I accept the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, but that comes from something inside and different, which affects all human beings, that is, respect for human dignity. It is in these terms I intend to answer the teacher's reflection Peces Barba.

Euthanasia, although etymologically means "good death" or "death" is used to describe very different things. It can mean "letting die with dignity" as opposed to "therapeutic cruelty." Thus understood, euthanasia would be ethically correct, and repugnant to the dignity of the person engage in artificially prolonging life with disproportionate technical, just leave work to nature with the necessary care to alleviate physical and emotional pain of dying. But there is no disguising the layer euthanasia opposition to cruelty when trying to deliberately induce death by suppressing the normal livelihood and adequate medication, this so-called "passive euthanasia" is identified by default with "active euthanasia" by committee. Such a "euthanasia" can be: 1. Volunteer: patients, terminal or not, alertness, seeking to be killed to get rid of physical and mental suffering they consider unbearable, and someone intentionally kills. This euthanasia, the patient is treated as suicide and homicide equals agent upon request. 2. Involuntary: the elderly, mentally handicapped and babies with a defect, that can not give, or not give, consent, and someone removes the alleged intention to do good to them or society. This is homicide agreement against the will of the subject, or "performing" his will. 3. Professionally assisted suicide. The individual, sick or not, who, wishing to end his life, sought and obtained technical assistance to carry out his purpose,

My opinion is that none of these three kinds of euthanasia is ethically correct, because, yes, regardless of subjective responsibility, suicide and murder are always intrinsically evil actions. Wittgenstein, despite having been in life moments of doom and indignity in which even thought about suicide, suicide, says that, at best, you catch the action euthanasia is immoral par excellence, because it reduces man to the condition subject of instinct. And Kant, who frequently uses Peces Barba, judge the bomber as a monster, denying that there is some purpose to justify suicide. I do not agree, of course, the word that Kant assigns to suicide, because I think reaching the decision to take his life is worthy of compassion. But understanding the person who committed an error is not the same to justify wrong action. Therefore, I believe the legalization of euthanasia is unethical and less so is its legalization. Tolerance of evil can not reach that violates fundamental human rights.

What happens is that the proponents of the ethics of the third person, among whom I place a Peces Barba, judge the morality of actions only by their external consequences, worrying about what happens in the agent and forget that when someone, for example, made steals damage to stolen, but also done harm to himself by become a thief. In the same way the killer, albeit one not born or old, is himself a murderer. These thinkers permitting euthanasia, because for them what matters are the constants empirically observable sociological, that is, not what they should be, but what it is. And suppose that there is or will be, a majority will to argue that euthanasia is a good for man and therefore should be legalized. But the law is an act of practical reason, it is proper to reason and not of will order the man to a fair end. It is clear that acts of will, but the will is the efficient cause of the law, because if that were the fad could become law. The right to life, and their protection by the State belongs to the order of what should be the absolute requirements that are standard of reality and not reality - pure and simple, converted to a constant. If there is no must be given to man and not by him up, any human behavior, for example, state terrorism, no social structure, no political regime could be condemned in the name of justice. All conduct would be valid, if so determined by a particular social group.

The man has rights, and indefeasible rights, not because it's been granted a political body that gives them as they can be removed, the declarations of human rights as they relate to the fundamentals, there are other simply the recognition that these rights exist. Fundamental human rights arising from his status as a person. Let's be clear, not the definition of person who can make any positive law, but the concept anthropological and metaphysical - that is what matters in moral matters - referred to as Boethius says that a person is a individual substance of rational nature. Therefore, fundamental human rights, first and foremost the right to life, it is also indispensable, is beyond the reach of human discussion. Hence, although all wills found in a Congress - that would not be all - to approve the legalization of euthanasia, this law is not rational, in philosophical terms, the true law. And everyone is entitled, in ethical terms, to resist.

The argument used by Peces Barba to advocate the legalization of euthanasia is that it only deserves to be protected dignified life, identifying dignified life with healthy living. According to him, when health deteriorates to a vegetative state, terminal or excessively painful, life is not worth protecting and authorization can be justified by the state for disposal. But, would not, at least, impoverished life so unworthy? So why not eliminate all the hungry of the Third World by making "good" and resolving them pass their hunger concerns due to others? I fear that this identification of a decent life with health and welfare, would be the beginning of a slope toward conceptions is racist, Nazi-style, where life is weak is in the hands of the fittest.

Supporters of euthanasia argue is why "compassion" to the physical or mental suffering of the patient, stating that, in these cases, accelerate or result in death is a work of mercy. First I must say that the suffering is certainly an evil, but not a moral absolute, in contrast, accepted suffering can have a positive value for the affirmation of the human personality. Plato says that the life of wisdom is exercised in death, Epicurus himself says he can be worthy of the man sometimes reject the pain. This is true throughout life, as corroborated by many people without suffering would not have acquired the fortitude they have, does not have to not be in the terminal phase of life, and the pain can help get the death with dignity. But, secondly, it is more than likely suspect that after the "compassion" can be invoked to free the selfish purpose of causing the patient discomfort or just the old. In fact, in countries where voluntary euthanasia is legalized there are frequent cases in which has caused death without the patient's consent or even against their will, creating a state of anxiety among people elderly for fear that at any time, can be removed to avoid the discomfort around her.
I can testify
people in worse situations that sometimes demand the death, impaired live their life with a positive sense, because they are surrounded by loving support. And, almost always, the invocations of death, when they occur, are indeed distressing requests for assistance and affection. This is the true focus of euthanasia: to overcome selfishness, to provide the terminally ill, along with physical care, companionship and sympathy - "felt" - to drive to a natural death with dignity ".

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Brazilain Waxing In Jacksonville Fl

Declaration on Euthanasia "Transform Spain"

everis Foundation takes a very interesting paper on the socio-economic transformation requires Spain. In the link above is a summary of 15 pages.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wall Colour For Red Floor

The business of the multinational abortion Tajamar

Source: Efrat
Subject: Planned Parenthood unleashed the scandal in crisis after data business and wages.
Recently, skipped the scandal in the United States in crisis after meeting certain figures released by the network pro-abortion Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), showing the extent to which abortion network can become a first-bloody business Here are some figures orden.A dizzy for just the last few years: Income

Cecile Richards:
PPFA financial reports for to 2008 show that the president received in 2008 a salary of $ 385,163 plus a bonus of $ 11,876 for profits and deferred compensation. In total, $ 397,039. A year later, the sources said, the president of PPFA received a salary of $ 346,285 plus a bonus of another $ 38,476 for other items. In total, $ 384,761. That is, a monthly salary of $ 27,000 in 14 payments. (At Christmas and in summer, about $ 54,000 that never hurts). As detail: Cecile Richards is the daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards. Planned Parenthood
income from the pockets of taxpayers. The same reports also reveal that PPFA received in respect of federal, state and local governments, the following amounts: During fiscal year 2007-2008 a total of 349'6 million dólaresDurante fiscal year 2006-2007 a total of 337 million dollars. This assumes an average figure of 343'3 million dollars a year (about $ 28 million per month).

realizados.En number of abortions as the number of abortions, the federation claims to have done:
324,008 abortions in 2008, 305,310 abortions in 2007

289,750 abortions in 2006. This assumes an average figure of 306,356 abortions per year (about 34 abortions every hour)

Sources: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, "Fact Sheet "(September 2010) Steven Ertelt," Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz President Makes About $ 400,000 "(Diario Digital Life News, November 11, 2010) Steven Ertelt," Planned Parenthood Report Shows Abortions Up 6 Percent, Adoptions Down (Digital Journal "Life News", September 9, 2010)

Efrat Institute. Studies and Analysis. Director David del Fresno

Friday, November 26, 2010

Light Brown Blue Ring Around Eyes

College Movie 1967-1st part-

Embalming And Pregnant

Tajamar College Movie 1967 Part-

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why Is My Bearded Dragons Ear Black

-2 economic crisis and family cohesion

The current economic crisis has some known causes: Some international financial sectors have speculated recklessly in a vacuum with little risk mortgages. A national economy based almost primarily on aspiration and burdensome necessity of owning a home is exhausted. The first factor has fallen on the second. In this work, for good and bad ways, the most business with respect to the first family need: a home. The consequence of breaking this system is that many families are punished by bad they did not commit. Paradoxically, given the economic crisis there is a great wall of personal protection and citizenship: family cohesion. This factor can be estimated more or less, but the benefits which it before a crisis are clear and effective. Finding motivation to strengthen this unit is affordable, strengthen the fact is something expensive than worthwhile. Family decisions are personal but the political and civil liability in respect of aid to family integrity is a requirement of justice. Justice, human and economic cost-effective, that our country is very poorly developed, but increasingly more voices can be heard encouraging progress this proposal.

Iturralde Jose Ignacio Moreno

Monday, November 8, 2010

Can A Cat Get A Respiratory Infection From A Dog?


The Reason Digital Edition - Monday, November 8, 2010 National Government is six points of diversion of coca and lack of control allows


illegal. Digcoin chief that the parts are in the backbone, outside the legal markets

"The Reason, Miguel A. Melendres - La Paz

The Government identified in three departments, at least six points which allegedly diverted coca to drug trafficking for both producers and retailers. It also supports a lack of control due to lack of financial and human resources.

Deputy Minister of Social Defence, Felipe Caceres, admitted last Wednesday that between 35% and 40% of the total cocaine produced in the country is intended "to the problem illegal (drug), compared with 65% going to traditional consumption.

On 18 October this year, in a speech in the tropics of Cochabamba, Bolivian President Evo Morales said some growers diverted the proceeds of legitimate trade and called for greater control.

According to the Director General of Coca and Industrialization (Digcoin) Luis Cutipa, has identified the areas which was the diversion of coca, the same as those in the departments of the country's backbone.

"Between Locotal (90 km from Cochabamba) and the legal market for coca Sacaba stays on the road and swerves. The same happens with the coca in the Yungas in La Paz. It happens all the product by sector de la Rinconada (23 km from La Paz), but not all arrive at Villa Fatima market, "said Cutipa.

Zones. Similarly, Yapacaní identified, which is located 130 km east of the capital and 181 km from Villa Tunari (Cochabamba in the tropics) as a point where marketers divert coca because they do not carry the product to retail markets of Cotoca (Santa Cruz) and Villa Montes (Tarija). Details

Yapacaní municipality, under the management 2009, argue that the producers take the coca region of 270,000 pounds each month for marketing.

Cutipa reported that Colomi, a village 45 kilometers from the city of Cochabamba, and the Upper Valley (southeast of the village) the use of coca is similar.

In the city of El Alto, La Paz, "deviates pressed coca cocaine factories are located in private homes," he added.

Luis Cutipa regretted that no exercise greater control in those places because of staff shortages as a result of scarce economic resources are managed in this sector. Personal

. "This address has no vehicles, items and logistics support to track the product and prevent their diversion," said Cutipa. He identified

5,861 producers and 5,440 retail retailers that move in the country driving at least 10 taques each month, which can not control.

"There are more than 11 000 merchants coca nationwide and is impossible to control with a number of 140 persons in the Control Panel Coca (GEC) and the 120 people Digcoin I have, between administrative and verifiers. We need more support and hopefully the next administration to change things, "said authority.

Coca growers point to the illegal coca producers settled, even in national parks, which produce exclusively for the drug, thus ruling that its members are involved in the illegal activity.

"Clearly there is overproduction of coca in the Yungas, but this occurs in illegal areas. Is that coca where to go? Yes or if you have to be diverted, "said David Huayhua, vice president Adepcoca. The leader added that his industry has strict social control output of the coca market and ruled out any diversion of the road. There

72,700 legal coca in the country are enrolled at least 72,700 legal producers ancient leaf.

Data General Director of Coca and Industrialization (Digcoin), Luis Cutipa indicate that there are 43,700 members in Cochabamba to the six federations of coca growers in the tropics that region.

"In this department, are estimated 7 000 hectares to 43,700 producers. Everyone has their cato and can not extend that cato "he said.

commenting on this issue, the vice chairman of the Department of Producers Association Coca (Adepcoca), David Huayhua, said his organization has 29,000 members.

"Our board has rearranged our fellow producers. We have between 28,500 to 29,000 members in our legal system, registered with the recarnetización we've done. All are from the 13 regional three provinces that traditionally produce coca, as Nor Yungas, Sud Yungas and Inquisivi "he said.

to the enactment of the General Law of the Coca Leaf next year (that will supply Arrangements Act 1008 of the Coca and Controlled Substances), the government hopes to reduce the number of producers, although an unknown number.

In this logic, the deputy minister of Social Defence, Felipe Caceres, said the new law established 20 000 hectares of coca crops. Currently, the standard establishes 12 000.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lifecam Vx-3000 Not Recognized

CELIN BOLIVIA: Bolivian Communities and drugs and drug

CELIN BOLIVIA: Bolivian Communities and drugs

What State Id Does Not Have Holograms

THE PRESS (La Paz, Bolivia) - 18-VII-2010

27 narcocomunidades

thrive on Llajta

Updated at 03:20

Money Machajmarca Pantipata and two clear examples of communities living in the shadow of drug trafficking.

Cochabamba / Los Tiempos .- The drug breaks into at least 27 communities where the activity has gained momentum and has resulted in the destruction of factories that process the method Colombian drug.

Pantipata (Vint) and Machajmarca (Pocono), two strengths of cocaine, are part of the fabric that the drug has risen in Cochabamba, now converted into a vast laboratory of drug manufacturing facilities from the Tunari to Colomi and wrapped by a sense of economic prosperity that presumes that people have passed the threshold of poverty, the analyst concluded the phenomenon coca and cocaine in Bolivia at the Institute of Social and Economic Studies (IESE) of San Simon Fernando Salazar.

coordinator of the Office of Controlled Substances, Claudia Mancilla, said: "The people who engage in drug trafficking comes in combination with the condition that they will give a fee to allow coca collect, use their land, and the people who identify with it and even defend them. " "It's a social phenomenon. Pantipata was a sadness ten years ago and has slowly been improving. Is a social problem. This requires resources: people are making money. We have tried to enter the community to raise awareness, but we are not allowed. But we're going to try again.

In the upper valley, the destruction of cocaine factories is ongoing. One of the worst affected areas is Tarata, where the Special Force against Drug Trafficking (FELCN) has been found in several their communities factories with a capacity to process between one and two kilos per week.

Factories have also proliferated in the heights of the Cordillera del Tunari, especially by the abundance of water springs. In 2009, a group of volunteers found abandoned factories there with a lot of waste, including crushed coca.

In Capinota, factories have been installed in inhospitable areas and impoverished communities, but where there is cell phone signal, presumably to warn the traffickers about risks, such as police checks.

Until five years ago, Pantipata, one of the emblematic cases, was a larger community on the heights of Vinto and, like many, saw an exodus of its inhabitants to the Chapare. When cocaine became less contested in the tropics, Pantipata again filled with people. Today is one of the people living in the shadow of drug trafficking, according to the operational in 2008, 2009 and 2010.

The rise of drug trafficking in communities and their acceptance is attributed to the close relationship of the people with the production of coca, the event was repeated in Machajmarca Pantipata, where in 2009 it was found that at least 60 percent of the people was involved with the production of cocaine with factory installed near the town.
About the influence of drug trafficking in the community, the head of the FELCN said: "In Pantipata, the incidence of drug trafficking is very low. Have been detected vehicles that were transporting raw materials and controlled substance. That means that the road does not end Pantipata: go much deeper. "

" If there is drug because there is poverty. In the only region where there is real potential for development is the tropics. Each municipality has at least one industry, "he said Salazar.

Villa Rivero
Cóndor Puñuna
Lava lava
Playa ancha
Khuty marka
Inca rakay
Sipe Sipe
Cala trancani
Huayna tunari
Tres Cruces
Sipe Sipe
Sipe Sipe
Carrasco 10
CELIN Developing BOLIVIA based on data from the newspaper "La Prensa" (18-VII-2010) and 2009-2010

BOLIVIA CELIN Note .- According to the newspaper La Razon de La Paz, Bolivia, dated 22/10/2008, 30/12/2008 and 01/08/2009, on Saturday July 21, 2007, two coca leaders were arrested in two drug factories. A judge in the Chapare region, said the accused, for alternatives to detention, appealed to their federations of coca growers Cochabamba.

The October 12, 2008, 150 soldiers of the FELCN (Special Force against Drug Trafficking) entered the community of Cacachacas, where they proceeded to the destruction of 30 cocaine factories, of which 20 were from Colombian type. The plants were found inside their homes, in yards outside their homes or in yards, in clearings and even streams.

The Deputy Minister of Social Defense, in December 2008, told the media that "social control is applied in the Chapare" because until that time had found 77 maceration pits within coca crops. The same authority said that "no one was arrested but the investigation."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

List Of All Brownie Badges


The Origin of Life!

Since we can remember, we always had the interest to find out 3 very important things: Where did we come? About us Where do we go?

Since time immemorial, and thinkers fílófosos spent countless hours thinking about how to solve the great enigma of the first question, it was Aristotle who gave us an ingenious answer four centuries before our era: The Spontaneous Generation! The union proposed that the dew, moisture and sweat which was created fish and insects. Incredibly, it was not until late XIX Pasteur strongly argued the impossibility of Aristotle's theory as such.

If there is something I like spontaneous generation is that their study reported something radically important: the existence of common elements in all living beings. These common elements are known as CHON. Acronym from the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. In fact 96% of our body is made of them. Interestingly, these elements are simpler if we revise the periodic table. Were subsequently included in the phosphorous and sulfur as it is theorized they were the most abundant on Earth and adolescent, being a chaotic land efervescete were those who formed the first single-celled organism to mix it by unimaginable forces of nature: Fire, Water, Lightning, pressures and other . All, more likely to my taste, sitting in the concentrated broth ocean at that time as Stanley Miller tested in laboratory experiments. In less than five days, Miller noticed the discoloration on his "stock" and could testify to the existence of amino acids! An amino acid is an organic molecule with an amino group and an acidic carboxyl group. And part of the protein.

How? How such a simple process creates amino acids that are the foundation of life as we know it? "We went from loose items a living? How the inorganic to the organic? What Chemistry to Biology? Actually, no. To be able to say life, we need two more requirements: a separated by membranes and the replication of the new entity. This can create a unicellular being. The weather helped to bring to maturity the Sun and the energy that made the Earth provides also matured. This led to many chemical changes can be given. One in particular: Ribonucleic acid chains, the mechanism to divide and acquire natural elements allowing replication. Interested? I can not honestly say that it is except that ribonucleic acid is the basis of DNA replication that creates offspring and the possibility of exchange of genetic traits and new types of life.

Now it gets more interesting if we can be new creatures, mutations, evolution and organized multicellular life. It was so difficult the creation of life after all. It is obvious that at some point there was an additional divine maybe it all started. Probably for better or for statistics. But life began.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

South Park Episode Online Free For Iphone

The Apple iPad, 48 hours after Google

Once you have passed the "surprise" Initial presentation of the new device by Apple CEO Steve Jobs himself: THE IPAD, is I started to evaluate this product and without the eyes of emotion or fanaticism. For Apple, a company with a size equialente to fifty thousand million dollars, 250 million iPods sold and used and have a runaway success, the launch of its 3G Iphone S was a "surprise" not so exciting for many of the fans.

New proposal is not the iPhone 4G but Ipad . A tablet-like Iphone but much larger. Are all the features of the Iphone on a bigger screen? Literally if: more processor, more memory, possibility of 3G for data only, and others priced from $ 499 plus tax in USA. Except, the chamber expected more than 3 Megapixels and USB ports (something I definitely would have liked).

will replace the tablets and to IPAD electronic book readers today? In a significant percentage, yes. Will we run to buy the version of IPAD with more memory and 3G? No. Do we have the same benefits in the U.S. by buying a Ipad in Peru? Not in the near future.

Jonathan Toews Official Rookie Card

Jobs in Peru!

few days ago we received the news that a giant of modern technology puts his flag in our country. Is that good? Do we agree? Definitely yes. But that good news is a tacit acknowledgment that we are maturing as a country, such as economics and business as a bet for large enterprises. I remember how, more recently, famous bands come to Lima (lacking even go to other cities) to delight local fans, the "a bit forgotten, but buyers of CDs after all."

This is a different opportunity for us to raise our brochure about the market at a higher level not only from the standpoint of business, but higher as the perception of the country abroad, and of course, a great incremental business opportunity for us all.

is almost a moral responsibility to those who belong to the Peruvian technology community to promote and exploit the raids of companies like Google in our country.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Benefits Of Cow Cheese


One of the most interesting objects for scientists today is the moon Jupiter called Europa . Discovered by Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius in 1610, Europe is the sixth largest satellite in our solar system and has a diameter of 3,100 miles, not reaching the size of the moon for very little. But the important thing lies in its beauty.

But ... What needs to see its beauty? Not that we win a lot of money selling photos of the satellite, at least not yet. Well, the story is the fact that this beautifully colored in two colors (black and a shade of red) as opposed to our nearest satellite. You do not have the known craters meteorite impacts.

Scientists say that this can only be due to one reason: it absorbs the brunt of the rich meteorites. How does it do? Easy, correcting its bark constantly. That is, its crust is formed some kind of liquid that can easily change its structure by temperature changes. What is the fluid that could cause our small business selling photographs as pandemic grows up? Water. Now ... do you understand why this is so fashionable?