What's this love?
Some ideas for youth and for all.
Two young friends came up with something like five years ago: both wanted very much to their respective girlfriends, but were obliged to cut to maintain their human and Christian integrity. Naturally, there will be cases where the girls are acting the same way for similar reasons. One of those guys, after a few months, he found another fantastic girlfriend who is now his wife. The other kid ended a brilliant career and now studies with joy drummer in a seminary to become a priest.
different and complementary.
In our world, one of the most fascinating is complementary differences which exist between femininity and masculinity. No difference would be complementary but ... wow, what a difference! This is a story of the current perception of the young and not so young, of human sexuality. This dimension of the whole person has become commonplace in many cases, becoming a kind of interesting play with risks. But who plays with fire will get burned.
seems important to rediscover what is love, a multiform reality that affects us deeply. The question of a Young: - How far I can go with my girlfriend?, was answered well by a teacher: - How far can you go to your grandmother? He loves your girlfriend and girlfriend, your grandmother and grandmother, to your friends as friends, your parents, as parents, and, when you marry, your wife as a wife. In all dimensions of love is a common factor: respect and affirmation of the identity of the beloved in our real relationship with her. Joseph Piepper thinker wrote: "To love a person is dear to me, but want the best for her." Thus true love makes us better people. In all true love is given a statement of the identity of the person dear and therefore permanent respect.
The morality of an act required to be moral the act itself, the intention and circumstances. Sexual activity carries the possibility of bringing a new child into the world. This requires appropriate circumstances than those of a stable, responsible and capable, that is: a marriage, a wife and husband together. This is what calls the being of each child, so in need of food and family stability. Therefore, for there is much mutual affection, sexual relations outside marriage promise to give something in a matter of vital importance, which can not be made responsible.
The use of contraception attitude is clearly contrary to nature. "God always forgives, sometimes men and nature ever," says popular wisdom. Encourage such acts creates habits that chain's own behavior and psychology. True love is one that bears fruit. Someone might ask what moral difference between the use of marriage called non-fertile periods of women and condom use. In the first case, due to serious and temporary reasons, spouses assume the paternity case of an unintended pregnancy. In the second case is excluded root procreation nuclear part of the marital sexual purpose (cf. "Love and Responsibility". Juan Paul II). Obviously, we do not speak now of marriages for some biological deficiency can not bear children. Perhaps they may know better than anyone that parenthood is exercised not only biologically.
The approach described above requires adequate sex education. I often say to my students that if they see a colleague who displays pictures of people who lack any decency he asked politely and non-hurt-if you think it right that a close family member to take him to be a model of such images. Immediately shows that the family resize your sexuality more human perspective.
education throughout life requires the exercise of virtues, good working habits. Today there is more talk of values, which does not seem very successful. The values \u200b\u200bare more concerned with the subjective impression that causes a certain behavior. It speaks of "your values" and "my values." No mention of "your code of virtues" and "my version of the virtues." This is because the virtues are designed to a very real goal and not just a feeling of affection or disaffection. I think the values \u200b\u200bare to be regarded as a consequence of the virtues.
The cardinal virtues, etymologically means -hinge virtues remain prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. When one door unhinged, his relationship with the outside world is very complicated. On the contrary, if the personal twist that opens our person actually is correct, there is the harmony with the world.
I think people are now many young people, who consider sexuality as something very attractive but, at bottom, cloudy. It is an approach deeply inhuman and unchristian. Sexuality is a very noble reality without which none exist. Conjugal love requires mutual self-giving, donations and support of spouses and procreation. Children are love becomes a person. The eyes of parents found in the children: that's when it becomes clear the meaning of sexuality in human love.
Nostalgia OR REALITY?
Many people remember and live with the tender and mysterious sympathy Nights Three Kings, where thought and reality almost identified. We have also seen families with color cones in the head, surrounded with tables full of hamburgers, ketchup, chips and soft drinks at birthday parties. The middle classes have given much of himself in it to celebrate life with colorful tablecloths, party blowers and back and forth to the homes of cousins \u200b\u200band uncles.
barbarians In recent times the kids were climbing cliffs and plunge us into murky waters in search of frogs and even enjoy ourselves we dared going to hunt goldfinches pump, without the slightest insight into environmental crime. Today we want to avoid damaging nature, except the kids themselves taking hallucinogens in the clubs, and the girls receiving hormone dangerous shock following the ingestion of morning-after pill, dispensed beneficially by some authorities.
With a demented logic extends the idea of \u200b\u200bcondoms as a kind of magic bullet, treating young people as having less than the bovine minds and spirits of an honest desmerecerÃan mandrel. They can not understand some of the pit party officials and mental depression which, as Chesterton said, the purity is the best environment for passion. Fail to conceive the idea of \u200b\u200bconception as a love that is pure and, therefore, life. They can not understand these adherents of the infertility that life is something bigger than themselves. Seem to ignore that over the quality of life quality is life "as claimed by Professor Antonio Ruiz Retegui-and, therefore, effort, self-control, and even pain can have a profound meaning in human life. FAMILY COURAGE
A marriage was going through some crisis, not very acute. As his friends discussed this problem with Stephen R. Covey, known as "the American Socrates." At one point in the conversation Covey, looking to revitalize the mutual understanding and support of spouses, were asked what they had done before having children. Questioned the husband replied, "You know perfectly. Covey then concluded: "They appreciated the difference. Again and again the solution is to courageously face the world of others
Any citizen into meat and untrained rages as Bravehearth-medieval Scottish hero into a movie by Mel Gibson, to his daughter in danger, develops agility Spidermann higher than to the hospital where his wife have admitted passing trouble, and prefers a hundred times the life of a sick child than his own. And for this truth deeply human, however, periods of history emerge recurrently forgotten more fantastic man and are characterized by ignorance, vulgarity and height of cynicism, which hides its not too late destruction. Because there comes a time when you can not any longer continue to maintain a lie in the bottom of my heart and longs to revive, resurrect life, the company, fidelity, home.
What is vital is that the supporters of life does not stop planting references for those who wish, may be able to smile and feel loved, accepted for something that can never be extinguished, the family, the family that gives life. It touches every man and woman right back to put the family back socially recognized and politically supported it deserves.
Perhaps you've ever thought that you are a or a "poor fool" is not going to go a long way. May not see a clear future career and, perhaps, not joys of a family situation and appropriate academic. But you also know you have friends and people who appreciate you and you will always find an alternative option to the "Dark side" of light. It is possible that if you say you're a daughter or a son of the Great King, I think.
Although you do not agree, you are worth much, not because you say it, much less, I do, but simply because there are eternal truths, deeper than ourselves and, in light of them, we are and we can feel important . When we know we really want is when we know good and that is when we are generous and the other with joy. We then began to revolve around the needs of others and is reborn, like a stream of joy, the will to live. But we need help, humility and sacrifice, not both. You decide.
José Ignacio Moreno Iturralde
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