Friday, March 11, 2011

Birthday Verses For Grandmother


financial restructuring

Banks and savings banks are facing a new phase of restructuring the system English financial. From September, the government entities require a larger capital cushions, which will force some banks to attract funding if they want to avoid state intervention. What is the "cushion" of reserves?
The ratio of core capital is the ratio between the funds is entity immediately available and safe (core capital shares, plus other reserves) and the value of its assets considered risky.

The Executive required from September 1 core capital of 8% for publicly traded entities and have exposure to wholesale funding markets less than 20%.

Those that do not meet these requirements, the savings will have to have a core capital of 10%.
This new level is harder than that agreed by central banks in Basel III

. This agreement calls for gradually increasing the core capital from the current 2% to 7% from 2013.
If an entity does not reach minimum required by the Government, the State will enter its capital through the Bank Restructuring Fund (FROB). There will be two years of margin to buy back state involvement. Failure to do so, will be auctioned within five years. How much capital needed? The Bank of Spain has been estimated on Thursday that all the English financial sector 15.152 million
need more capital, reports Juan Emilio Maille.
Savings banks need to 14.077 million, 341 million banks, and other subsidiaries of foreign banks 734 million. Why boxes become banks? More stringent
requires capital savings banks to become listed banks, allowing entry of private capital. La Caixa , for example, has already undertaken this process to transfer its banking assets to Criteria, resulting in Caixabank
, and other groups of boxes, as led by Bancaja and Caja Madrid ( Bankia
), have the first steps to do so in the future. "Caja Madrid

5.775 million really need?
Now yes, but within months not. The Bank of Spain estimated at 5.775 million capital needs Bankia because it has not commenced proceedings to be a bank, so that its core capital requirement is 10%.
No However, if your banking specifically, the 'capital cushion' requirement is 8%, so it 'only' have to get 1,795 million euros. Its current ratio is 7.1%.
What entities are worse? Some boxes
Catalan and Galician, despite its high capital requirements to meet the solvency requirements of the Government, ruled out a bag and value the input of Frob on your capital.
, merging Caixanova and Caixa Galicia, part with 2,851 million principal and requires an additional 2.622 million more to reach 10% of core capital. His current mattress covers just 5.2%. The Xunta warns Pulse para ver el video that its IPO, "the most likely road map," reduce the need for capital to EUR 1.548 million
. Further complains that Catalunyacaixa of similar size, can capitalize on the FROB 1 between the state without it.
, born from the merger of Caixa Catalunya, Manresa and Tarragona, part of a fund of 3.148 million, 6.5% of core capital, and need to reach 1.718 million more than the minimum required by the Government. His plans go through .
formed by Caixa Girona, Caixa Sabadell, Caixa and Caixa Terrassa Manlleu, dismisses go public despite having 1,150 million capital at this time.
Thus, with a solvency ratio of 6.2%, will have to raise another 568 million more to reach 10%. This group includes several options as to the savings bank "holds the majority of bank capital
" that will form the foundation of the transformation of savings without a majority in the capital of the bank, with input FROB temporary and external investor.
ELMUNDO.ES, Javier González

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banking will have to increase its reserves for future crises
Core capital that institutions be required to exceed 2% to 7%
States will raise capacity further to the 9.5%
Reform is one of the most important since the financial crisis began
Sunday 12/09/2010 20:56 Updated

[foto de la noticia]
John E. Maíllo have reached a financial agreement on Basel III, a comprehensive reform that will force banks around the world to keep more capital in reserve to deal with defaults and losses. This was announced the minimum level required of financial institutions core capital known as core capital or 'core tier is 1'-2% and
be increased to 7% from 2013
progressively. States also will raise capacity to 9.5%.

indicator indicates the amount of capital that banks must place as 'mattress'
against future losses on potential crises. It includes capital and reserves, ie the shares issued by an entity's accumulated reserves over the retention of profits.
In Spain, the largest English banks comfortably exceeded this figure by the end of 2009. The
Santander had a core capital of 10% while BBVA and Popular were 9.4% and 9.1% respectively. Gradual implementation

The implementation of the hardening of these capital requirements will gradually from January 2013 to complete the highest percentage in 2019.

Some banks had expressed fears that the tightening of conditions will cause a credit crunch, which is mitigated by its gradual implementation.

also lead to legal change that banks have less room to pay dividends and bonuses to its executives, as it will reduce their profits. This reform is in Basel one of the most important decided after the outbreak of the financial crisis
, about three years ago. After the crisis, caused in part by risky operations by banks, leaders of the G20 called for regulators and central bankers in 2009 to design new and more stringent capital rules have resulted in this agreement.
G20 leaders ratify their support for the agreement on Sunday when they meet in Seoul in November. Different indicators

-Core capital: including capital and reserves, ie the shares issued by an entity's accumulated reserves over the retention of profits (the that are not distributed via dividends or social work). It is the main indicator used since the outbreak of the crisis because it has proven to be the truth that can cover losses. Basel has agreed to increase the current 2% to 7%. -Tier 1: Add the above preference shares. It is a type of debt called preferred because, in case of bankruptcy of an entity that comes before taking action. Is usually subject to payment of an annual coupon provided there is sufficient profit to pay it (not paid for leaks). Basel has agreed to increase from 4% now to 8.5%.

-Tier 2: not mentioned in the new agreement, even before the crisis was which was used for measurement. Also known as 'BIS ratio'. Add to this the subordinated debt, which is similar to the preferred, but charges before.

ELMUNDO.ES, 12/09/2010

John E. Maíllo

cities over 100,000 inhabitants are forced to a radical change in its environmental policies to build the transition to a low carbon economy, able to generate quality employment. It results from a study of Aragonese Ecology and Development Foundation, which specifies in overcoming the 15 challenges for immediate action. The organization did not want to miss the forthcoming regional and municipal elections to raise awareness among politicians.
The first challenge for a sustainable city in 2015
is that 80% of the population has access less than 300 meters, basic public facilities, mainly the transport network, schools and waste collection. 2. Secondly, it is essential to the implementation of urban renewal actions, which must be realized, primarily on a plan for energy rehabilitation of neighborhoods, the subjugation of all the new urban policy and planning to impact reports binding energy and to subject one hundred percent of the new structures and equipment to criteria of near-zero energy and zero emissions. 10% of the surface of the existing city in 2015 must be under planning review to promote their rehabilitation. 3.
The third challenge is an effective reduction of 40% 2015, CO2 emissions. 4.
Fourth, it must be assumed a clear and strong commitment to energy efficiency
, embodied primarily in the replacement of the entire street lighting energy efficient lighting technology, the submission of all buildings for energy audits and the replacement of 40% facilities, boilers, equipment and other CO2 emitting fossil fuels or consume renewable and efficient energy.
The fifth challenge is signing agreements with utilities
to encourage investment in energy efficiency. 6. To this must be added an effective impetus to renewable energies , that should be put in that 80% of the electricity consumed in the city comes from these sources and that 80% of municipal buildings have installed renewable energy sources, to address its entire supply. 7. Seventh

must face a determined policy to promote travel by public transport, walking and cycling. 8. This implies: reach at least 80%, in such

mobility, and multiply by three the number of bicycle users.
    70% of the city center to be transformed into soft
  • pedestrian areas and promote the use of electric vehicles to reach at least 10% of the circulation.
  • 10.
  • The tenth challenge is to rehabilitate energy
  • 10% of housing stock and the introduction of zero emissions in 50% of public buildings rehabilitated, not beyond 2015. The new buildings should be subject to energy certification and benefit from tax incentives based on that certification.
  • 11.
The report stresses that should be implemented policies to encourage economy, production and consumption of proximity in the distribution and local commercial fabric ..
12. This implies
creating at least a central purchasing of public initiative by city and double the percentage of local products on the market by industry trade.
13. The last three challenges introducing clauses focus on social and environmental criteria into all contract documents for works, services and shopping, and promote a minimum increase of 10% of businesses located in the city that have environmental accreditation. 14.
It is essential to increase efficiency in water use
, achieving a 20% more recycled water, installing meters in one hundred percent of the buildings and reducing household water consumption to a maximum of 100 liters per day per capita.
[foto de la noticia] Finally, an effective strategy must be addressed to reduce, reuse and recycle, with no more than 385 kg. per inhabitant per year.
The drafters of the report stressed that "the current situation makes it essential to move towards a model of eco-economy in which job creation is key to ending the crisis does not contribute to environmental degradation, but is the foundation of their conservation. "
Cenzano - Zaragoza - 10/03/2011


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