Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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The territorial battle over water

The Constitutional unanimously annulled the exclusive jurisdiction of the Board of Andalusia on the Guadalquivir
The High court allows the appeal in part by the Junta de Extremadura against the Statute of Andalusia

New blow for the Government of Andalusia. This time, the Constitutional Court, which has partially admitted the appeal filed by the Junta de Extremadura and has annulled Article 51 of the Statute Andalusian Autonomy arrogated to itself the exclusive management of the river Guadalquivir. The president of Self-Government, José Antonio Griñán, said in a brief hearing that there is scope

the transfer law to keep informed of an upcoming meeting with the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

This ruling paves the way for other source of Extremadura which is still pending, this time against the Statute of Castile and Leon, which provided similar measures with regard to Andalusian Duero River. Andalusia
Statute was approved by Parliament in May autonomous
2006 with the affirmative votes of the PSOE and IU
. In November of that year
was the Congress of Deputies who gave the green light
. Finally, in February 2007 a referendum
closed the proceedings. The agreement for the transfer of the basin was signed in 2007 by the then Minister of Public Administration, Elena Salgado, and exconsejero and the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía, Gaspar Zarrías.
The Board sought and have exclusive jurisdiction over the waters of the Guadalquivir River that run through its territory, in response to a provision referred to in Article 51 of the new Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia.

The State reserved powers of general planning and investment. While the Board took on the rest: uses and water concessions, water infrastructure, as well as control of public water. He also took charge of 849 employees.

The dams were divided between the two administrations. The Board operated 53 dams, and four others, or conditions placed on other regions, were managed by the State.
The actual cost of the transfer amounted to 123 million euros, including 52 million who report income from fees and charges, as well as the management of some 500 million European funds
The assumption of responsibilities for the Guadalquivir in Andalusia was appealed by the Junta de Extremadura to the Constitutional Court.

Constitution Article 149 The State has exclusive competence (..) legislation, regulation and concession of hydraulic resources and when the water flow through more than one region.
Guadalquivir basin in Andalucia Autonomous Community holds exclusive jurisdiction over the waters of the Guadalquivir Basin pass through their territory and do not affect another autonomous region, subject to overall planning of the hydrological cycle, the basic rules on environmental protection, public works hydraulic general interest and the provisions of article 149.1.22 ª the Constitution.
LOURDES - Sevilla - 16/03/2011
Ten keys on the Guadalquivir

With the new transfer, the community will manage 99.2% of water use
La cuenca del Guadalquivir

download the Guadalquivir is one of the historical claims of Andalusia understanding that this river is best identified and backbone to the community. 10 keys listed below in order to understand the transfer.

reside in the basin more than four million Andalusians
Why was transferred jurisdiction over the Guadalquivir?
giving effect to the new Statute of Andalusia, in Article 51, says: "The autonomous community of Andalusia holds exclusive jurisdiction over the waters of the Guadalquivir basin that pass through its territory and not affect another autonomous region, without Subject to the overall planning of the hydrological cycle, the rules basic environmental protection, public works hydraulic general interest and the provisions of Article 149.1.22 of the Constitution. "
This completes the process begun in 2005 with the assumption of management resources Mediterranean basin, to be followed by the management of the Atlantic Basin in 2006. Andalusian Water Agency is the body of hydraulic management.
What takes Reserve Board and what the state?

The Board assumed responsibility for respect to uses and water concessions, water infrastructure, with the exclusive management of 53 dams (over 90% total capacity of the reservoir basin), as well as control of public water. For its part, the state retains the powers of general planning and investment, and allocated through the Guadalquivir Water Plan available volume of the territorial waters of the basin that runs through Andalusia. Management also reserves four dams: Frese and Montoro (located in Castilla-La Mancha) and the Jándula (located in Jaén, but supplies to the petrochemical plant in Puertollano Repsol) and painting (located in Seville but his tail is in Badajoz). In the past give the State will coordinate with the Board in its management. Extremadura The appeal to the Constitutional This transfer was appealed on June 5, 2007 by the Board of Extremadura to the Constitutional Court (TC) in holding that the exclusive competence of Andalusia "violate" the Constitution. The Executive argued that the Administration Andalusian Extremadura is not entitled to use the articles concerning the river Guadalquivir in Andalusia Statute, and understands that wields Extremadura "non-state powers."
The cost of the transfer of the Guadalquivir
The transfer will mean an increase in the budget of the Board of 121 million euros and the management of EU funds allocated to the basin (Around 500 million euros). The Regional Government will absorb 704 staff and labor Guadalquivir River Basin, which will make the Andalusian Water Agency pass from 900 to more than 1,600 workers. The central government will be in Andalusia with 150 workers remaining, who will state powers reserved

basin of the Guadalquivir basin, with 51,900 square kilometers in Andalusia, is the main watershed community . Accounts for 59.2% of the total area of \u200b\u200bAndalucia and is home to more than four million Andalusians, more than half of the population of the region, with a total of 398 municipalities, including the capitals of Seville, Cordoba, Granada and Jaen. The participation of Andalusia in the basin is 90.22% versus 7.13% of Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura 2.45% and 0.20% in Murcia. However, 97.4% of the population of the basin and 99.2% of water use are in Andalucia.
reservoir capacity
The 55 reservoirs (two of them managed jointly with the State) have a volume of 6,967 cubic hectometres reservoir, which represented 67% of the total capacity of Andalusia. When in service reservoirs under construction (Sandy, the Scrub II and Melonares) reservoir capacity will increase by 1,190 hectometres. It also has some resources concentrated in 62 underground aquifers in an area of \u200b\u200b43,439 square kilometers. Finally, there are 156 wetlands, covering an area of \u200b\u200b54,091 hectares.

water users
The main user of water is irrigated agriculture, which accounts for around 80% of total demand, with more than 760,000 hectares. They are followed by urban uses (11% of demand) and the remaining 9% and other industrial applications. The total water consumption is 3,255 cubic hectometres a year, almost 58% of water needed throughout Andalusia. The six crops consume more water are the olive (31%), cotton (17%), rice (12%), maize (10%), vegetables (7%) and winter cereals, mainly wheat (6%).
What is the heritage of the watershed?
The assets of the Guadalquivir River Basin Board assumes now totals more than 2,150 million and its annual budget exceeds 440 million. To this we must add a very high intangible heritage. For example, irrigated agriculture accounts for 60% of final agricultural production (4,570 million euros in 2006), 50% of Andalusian agricultural employment and 15% of total regional employment. On the other hand, the reservoirs in the basin has 115 hydroelectric plants. What expectations opens the transfer?

opens a new stage for water management in Andalusia that will be marked by the development of Andalusia by the Water Agreement, which will represent all groups. Another challenge to achieve during this term is the articulation of the Law on Integrated Water Management, in the first quarter of 2009 would begin its parliamentary process. Projects

The regional government is drafting a Comprehensive Management Plan Guadalquivir will seek to take full advantage river. Four ministries (Environment, Public Works and Transport, Tourism and Sport and Cultural Organization) are working together on measures to enhance the management of the Guadalquivir, not only from the hydrological aspect but also from the standpoint of social, culture and tourism. It aims to create a network of tourist sites and services, exploiting the possibilities of sport activities can be enjoyed from its waters and cultural itineraries designed to explain the history of Andalusia. ELPAIS.COM, GINÉS DONAIRE
- Jaén - 21/09/2008

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